|| About Generative AI

Generative AI utilizes algorithms to produce new content resembling input data, widely used in art, music, and content creation. Major vendors include Open AI, Google, and NVIDIA. These courses provide comprehensive understanding and hands-on experience in Generative AI techniques and applications. This course on Generative AI offers a comprehensive exploration of the cutting-edge techniques and methodologies used in the creation of AI systems that can generate text, images, and other media. Students will delve into the theoretical foundations of generative models, including Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and Transformer architectures, with a strong emphasis on practical implementation. Through hands-on projects and coding exercises, participants will gain experience in developing and fine-tuning generative models, understanding their applications across various industries, and addressing the ethical implications of AI-generated content. By the end of the course, students will have a solid grasp of how to leverage generative AI technologies to innovate and solve complex problems creatively. 

Welcome to the Generative AI course, designed to immerse you in the fascinating world of artificial intelligence capable of creating content. This course offers an in-depth exploration of generative models such as Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and Transformers, focusing on both their theoretical foundations and practical applications. By engaging with hands-on projects and real-world case studies, you will develop the skills to build and fine-tune your own generative AI models. The benefits of this course extend beyond technical proficiency; you will also gain insights into the ethical considerations and innovative potential of AI in various fields such as art, entertainment, and data synthesis. Upon completion, you will be equipped with the knowledge and experience to harness generative AI for creative problem-solving and to drive innovation in your professional endeavors.With the help of our carefully chosen foundation course, set out on a path to fully realize the promise of generative AI. Learn the newest skills from top industry professionals, delve into the intriguing realm of AI-driven innovation, and put what you've learned to use. Come along with us to take part in the AI revolution and advance your professional development.

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Please contact the nearest BIT training institute or send an email to inquiry@bitbaroda.com with any additional questions you may have regarding our Generative AI training course. We offer a free demo by calling us at +91-9328994901. We offer top-notch Generative AI classes in Vadodara-Sayajigunj, Vadodara - Waghodia Road, Vadodara - Manjalpur, Ahmedabad, Anand, and Nadiad.

|| Enhance Your Learning with BIT's Cutting Edge Platform

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|| What will I learn?

  • Understand the fundamental concepts and techniques of generative AI.
  • Implement and train various generative models using Python and deep learning frameworks.
  • Apply generative AI techniques to create new images, text, and other forms of content.
  • Evaluate the performance and quality of generative models.
  • Explore advanced topics in generative AI, such as style transfer and latent space manipulation.
  • Understand the ethical implications and societal impacts of generative AI.

|| What will I learn?

  • Understand the fundamental concepts and techniques of generative AI.
  • Implement and train various generative models using Python and deep learning frameworks.
  • Apply generative AI techniques to create new images, text, and other forms of content.
  • Evaluate the performance and quality of generative models.
  • Explore advanced topics in generative AI, such as style transfer and latent space manipulation.
  • Understand the ethical implications and societal impacts of generative AI.

|| Requirements

  • Proficiency in Python programming
  • Basic understanding of machine learning and deep learning concepts
  • Familiarity with neural networks and deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch)

|| Requirements

  • Proficiency in Python programming
  • Basic understanding of machine learning and deep learning concepts
  • Familiarity with neural networks and deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch)

    Our generative AI course content offers a comprehensive journey into the realm of artificial intelligence aimed at creating new content autonomously. Starting with foundational principles, students delve into the intricacies of probabilistic models, neural networks, and optimization algorithms. The course then progresses to explore various generative models, including autoregressive models, variational autoencoders (VAEs), and generative adversarial networks (GANs), uncovering their mechanisms for generating diverse and realistic content across multiple domains. Through hands-on projects and practical exercises, students gain practical experience in implementing and fine-tuning generative models on real-world datasets. Advanced topics such as conditional generation, style transfer, and unsupervised learning augment the curriculum, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the latest advancements in generative AI. Ethical considerations surrounding the responsible use of generative AI, including concerns related to deepfakes and misinformation, are also addressed. By the course's conclusion, students emerge equipped with the knowledge and skills to contribute to the development of AI-driven creative tools and systems, poised to make meaningful contributions across industries ranging from art and entertainment to healthcare and beyond.Generative AI Course in Vadodara.png

    • Generative AI
    • Why are generative models required?
    • Understanding generative models and their significance
    • Generative AI v/s Discriminative Models
    • Recent advancements and research in generative AI
    • Gen AI end-to-end project lifecycle
    • Key applications of generative models

    • Text Preprocessing and Word Embedding
    • Segmentation and Tokenization
    • Change Case, Spell Correction
    • Stop Words Removal, Punctuations Removal, Remove White
    • spaces, Stemming and Lemmatization
    • Parts of Speech Tagging
    • Text Normalization, Rephrase Text
    • One hot encoding, 
    • Index-based encoding
    • Bag of words, 
    • TF-IDF
    • Word2Vec, 
    • FastText
    • N-Grams, Elimo
    • Bert-based encoding

    • Large Language Models(LLM)
    • In-depth intuition of Transformer-Attention all your need Paper
    • Guide to complete transformer tree
    • Transformer Architecture
    • Application and use cases of LLMs
    • Transfer learning in NLP
    • Pre-trained transformer-based models
    • How to perform finetuning of pre trained transformer based models
    • Mask language modeling

    • BERT- Google, GPT- OpenAI
    • T5- Google
    • Evaluations Matrixs of LLMs models
    • GPT-3 and 3.5 Turbo use cases
    • Learn how Chatgpt trained
    • Introduction to Chatgpt- 4

    • Hugging face And its Applications
    • Hugging Face Transformers
    • Hugging face API key generation
    • Hugging Face Transfer learning models based on the state-of-the-art transformer architecture
    • Fine-tuning using a pre-train models
    • Ready-to-use datasets and evaluation metrics for NLP.
    • Data Processing, Tokenizing and Feature Extraction with
    • Standardizing the Pipelining
    • Training and callbacks
    • Language Translation with Hugging Face Transformer

    • Generative AI with LLMs and LLM Powered Applications
    • Text summarization with hugging face
    • Language Translation with Hugging Face Transformer
    • Text to Image Generation with LLM with hugging face
    • Text to speech generation with LLM with hugging face

    • Guide to Open AI and its Ready to Use Models with Application
    • What is OpenAI API and how to generate OpenAI API key?
    • Installation of OpenAI package
    • Experiment in the OpenAI playground
    • How to setup your local development environment
    • Different templates for prompting
    • OpenAI Models GPT-3.5 Turbo DALL-E 2, Whisper, Clip,
    • Davinci and GPT-4 with practical implementation
    • OpenAI Embeddings and Moderation with Practical
    • Implementation of Chat completion API,

    • Functional calling and Completion API
    • How to manage the Tokens
    • Different Tactics for getting an Optimize result
    • mage Generation with OpenAI LLM model
    • Speech to text with OpenAI
    • Use of Moderation for content complies with OpenAI
    • Understand rate limits, error codes in OpenAPI
    • OpenAI plugins connect ChatGPT to third-party applications.
    • How to do fine-tuning with custom data
    • Project: Finetuning of GPT-3 model for text classification
    • Project: Telegram bot using OpenAI API with GPT-3.5 turbo
    • Project: Generating YouTube Transcript with Whisper
    • Project: Image generation with DALL-E
    • Prompt Engineering Mastering with OpenAI

    • Introduction to Prompt Engineering
    • Different templates for prompting
    • Prompt Engineering: What & Why?
    • Prompt Engineering & ChatGPT Custom Instructions
    • The Core Elements Of A Good Prompt
    • Which Context Should You Add?
    • Zero- One- & Few-Shot Prompting
    • Using Output Templates
    • Providing Cues & Hints To ChatGPT
    • Separating Instructions From Content
    • Ask-Before-Answer Prompting
    • Perspective Prompting
    • Contextual Prompting
    • Emotional Prompting
    • Laddering Prompting
    • Using ChatGPT For Prompting
    • Find Out Which Information Is Missing
    • Self-evaluative Prompting
    • ChatGPT-powered Problem Splitting
    • Reversing Roles
    • More Prompts & Finding Prompt Inspirations
    • Super Prompts Like CAN & DAN

    • Vector database with Python for LLM Use Cases
    • Storing and retrieving vector data in SQLite
    • Chromadb local vector database part1 setup and data insertion
    • Query vector data
    • Fetch data by vector id
    • Database operation: create, update, retrieve, deletion, insert and
    • update
    • Application in semantic search
    • Building AI chat agent with langchain and openai
    • Weviate Vector Database
    • Pinecone Vector Database

    • Hands-on with LangChain
    • Practical Guide to LlamaIndex with LLMs
    • Bonus: Additional Productive Tools to Explore
    • Chainlit ( async Python framework)
    • LIDA (Automatic Generation of Visualizations and
    • Infographics)
    • Slidesgo ( AI Presentation Maker )
    • Content Creation (Jasper, Copy.ai, Anyword)
    • Grammar checkers and rewording tools (Grammarly, Wordtune,
    • ProWritingAid)
    • Video creation (Descript, Wondershare Filmora, Runway)
    • Image generation (DALL·E 2, Midjourney)
    • Research (Genei, Aomni)

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|| Become an Expert in Generative AI 

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|| Scope of Generative AI in India

The scope of generative AI in India is vast and expanding rapidly. Several factors contribute to its growth and potential impact:


  • Medical Imaging: Generative AI can assist in analyzing medical images, aiding in the detection and diagnosis of diseases such as cancer.
  • Drug Discovery: AI models can generate new molecules for drug discovery, potentially speeding up the development of new medications.


  • Personalized Learning: AI-driven tools can create customized educational content, catering to the individual needs of students.
  • Content Generation: AI can generate educational materials, quizzes, and interactive content to enhance learning experiences.

Entertainment and Media:

  • Content Creation: Generative AI can produce music, art, and literature, offering new forms of creative expression.
  • Film and Animation: AI can assist in creating special effects, animations, and even scripts for movies and shows.

Business and Industry:

  • Customer Service: AI-powered chatbots can handle customer inquiries, providing quick and efficient support.
  • Marketing: Generative AI can create personalized marketing content, enhancing customer engagement and targeting.


  • Risk Management: AI models can generate scenarios for risk assessment and fraud detection.
  • Algorithmic Trading: Generative AI can develop trading algorithms to optimize investment strategies.


  • Crop Monitoring: AI can generate insights from satellite images to monitor crop health and predict yields.
  • Precision Farming: Generative models can assist in optimizing farming practices for better productivity.

Smart Cities:

  • Urban Planning: AI can generate simulations for urban development, optimizing infrastructure and resource allocation.
  • Traffic Management: Generative AI can predict traffic patterns and suggest improvements for smoother traffic flow.

Startups and Innovation:

  • India's vibrant startup ecosystem is embracing generative AI for innovative applications across various domains.
  • Government initiatives and investments in AI research are fostering a conducive environment for AI-driven startups.

Research and Development:

  • Academic institutions and research organizations in India are actively exploring generative AI, contributing to advancements in the field.
  • Collaborations with global AI research communities are enhancing India's capabilities in generative AI.
  • Overall, the scope of generative AI in India is broad and holds the potential to transform multiple sectors, driving innovation, efficiency, and economic growth.
placement report placement report

|| Generative AI  Career Option in India

In India, there are abundant career options and opportunities in various industries for individuals skilled in generative AI. Here are some potential career paths and opportunities:

  • AI Research Scientist: Work in research institutions, universities, or industrial research labs to advance the state-of-the-art in generative AI by developing novel algorithms, conducting experiments, and publishing research papers.
  • Machine Learning Engineer: Employ machine learning techniques, including generative models, to build AI systems that can create new content autonomously. Work in industries such as e-commerce, media, and entertainment to develop recommendation systems, content generation tools, and personalized user experiences.
  • Data Scientist: Analyze large datasets using generative AI techniques to extract insights and create predictive models. Work in industries such as finance, healthcare, and retail to improve decision-making processes, optimize operations, and drive business growth.
  • Software Developer/Engineer: Develop software applications and platforms that incorporate generative AI capabilities. Work in companies specializing in AI, software development, or digital content creation to build innovative products and services.
  • Creative Technologist: Combine technical skills with creative expertise to develop interactive installations, digital art, and immersive experiences using generative AI. Work in design studios, advertising agencies, or media companies to create engaging content and experiences for clients and audiences.
  • AI Ethics and Policy Analyst: Explore the ethical implications of generative AI technologies and develop policies and guidelines for their responsible use. Work in government agencies, nonprofit organizations, or research institutes to ensure that AI technologies are deployed ethically and equitably.
  • AI Entrepreneur/Startup Founder: Start your own company or join a startup specializing in generative AI technologies. Explore opportunities in areas such as content creation, virtual reality, augmented reality, and creative tools to disrupt traditional industries and create new markets.
  • AI Consultant: Provide consulting services to companies looking to integrate generative AI technologies into their business processes. Offer expertise in areas such as AI strategy, technology implementation, and talent development to help organizations leverage AI effectively.
  • Academic/Industry Trainer: Share your knowledge and expertise in generative AI through teaching, training, and mentoring. Work as a faculty member in academic institutions or as a corporate trainer in companies offering AI courses and workshops.
  • Freelancer/Contractor: Work as a freelance AI specialist, offering your services on platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Toptal. Take on projects ranging from AI model development and deployment to data analysis and consulting for clients worldwide.
These are just a few examples of the diverse career options and opportunities available in India for individuals skilled in generative AI. With the increasing adoption of AI technologies across industries and the growing demand for AI talent, the prospects for careers in generative AI are promising and varied.

|| Generative AI holds a prominent Position in Indian Job Market

In India, the landscape for generative AI placement opportunities is burgeoning, driven by a convergence of technological innovation and industry demand. Companies across diverse sectors such as e-commerce, healthcare, entertainment, and finance are increasingly recognizing the transformative potential of generative AI and actively seeking skilled professionals to harness its capabilities. From creating personalized user experiences to optimizing business operations and driving innovation, the applications of generative AI are vast and varied. Startups, established enterprises, research institutions, and consulting firms are all actively recruiting talent proficient in generative AI algorithms and techniques. With India's vibrant tech ecosystem, entrepreneurial spirit, and burgeoning AI talent pool, individuals skilled in generative AI have ample opportunities to secure rewarding positions and make meaningful contributions to cutting-edge projects and initiatives. Whether it's developing AI-driven content creation tools, enhancing virtual experiences, or solving complex business challenges, the placement opportunities for generative AI professionals in India are abundant and promising, reflecting the country's position as a key player in the global AI landscape.

|| Job Roles and Salary

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|| Average Salary for Generative AI in India

As of my last update in January 2022, the average salary for professionals specializing in generative AI in India can vary based on factors such as experience, skills, location, and the specific industry or company. However, to provide a general overview, here are approximate salary ranges for different experience levels:

  • Entry-level: Professionals with 0-2 years of experience in generative AI may expect salaries ranging from ₹400,000 to ₹800,000 per year (approximately $5,500 to $11,000 USD). These individuals typically hold entry-level positions such as Junior AI Engineer or AI Research Assistant.
  • Mid-level: With 2-5 years of experience, mid-level generative AI professionals can command salaries ranging from ₹800,000 to ₹1,800,000 per year (approximately $11,000 to $25,000 USD). Roles at this level may include AI Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, or Data Scientist specializing in generative AI.
  • Senior-level: Professionals with over 5 years of experience and expertise in generative AI can earn salaries upwards of ₹1,800,000 per year (approximately $25,000 USD) or more. Senior-level roles such as Senior AI Research Scientist, Lead Machine Learning Engineer, or AI Consultant may offer higher compensation packages, ranging from ₹2,500,000 to ₹5,000,000 per year (approximately $34,000 to $68,000 USD) or higher.

It's important to note that these salary ranges are approximate and can vary significantly based on factors such as the candidate's skills, education, the reputation of the employer, location (e.g., salaries may be higher in tech hubs like Bangalore or Hyderabad), and prevailing market conditions. Additionally, professionals with specialized skills in niche areas of generative AI or experience working with cutting-edge technologies may command higher salaries. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it's advisable to consult recent job listings and industry reports specific to generative AI roles in India.

|| Top Hiring Companies

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|| Some Prominent Companies in India that use Generative AI

Several companies in India are leveraging generative AI technologies to innovate and enhance their products and services across various industries. Here are some notable companies that are known to use generative AI in India:


  • Flipkart: One of India's leading e-commerce platforms, Flipkart, utilizes generative AI for recommendation systems, personalized shopping experiences, and image generation for product visualization.
  • Ola: The ride-hailing company Ola has been exploring the use of generative AI for optimizing route planning, demand forecasting, and developing autonomous vehicle technologies.
  • JioSaavn: JioSaavn, a popular music streaming service in India, employs generative AI algorithms for music recommendation, content generation, and personalized playlists based on user preferences.
  • Myntra: An online fashion and lifestyle retailer, Myntra, utilizes generative AI for virtual try-on experiences, style recommendation, and generating product descriptions and visuals.
  • Cure.fit: A health and wellness platform, Cure.fit, integrates generative AI for personalized fitness plans, nutrition recommendations, and virtual coaching experiences.
  • Zomato: Zomato, a food delivery and restaurant discovery platform, uses generative AI for generating food images, enhancing restaurant listings, and improving user engagement through personalized content.
  • Byju's: Byju's, an ed-tech company offering online learning solutions, employs generative AI for adaptive learning, content generation, and personalized tutoring experiences for students.
  • Niramai: Niramai is a healthcare startup that uses generative AI for medical imaging analysis, particularly in breast cancer screening, by developing algorithms for early detection and diagnosis.
  • Reliance Jio: Reliance Jio, a telecommunications company, has been investing in generative AI technologies for improving customer service, network optimization, and developing innovative applications for smart devices.
  • Wipro: Wipro, one of India's leading IT services companies, offers generative AI solutions to clients across industries, including retail, healthcare, banking, and manufacturing, for applications such as predictive analytics, chatbots, and virtual assistants.

These are just a few examples of companies in India that are known to use generative AI technologies. With the increasing adoption of AI across industries and the growing demand for AI-driven solutions, more companies are likely to explore and integrate generative AI into their products and services in the coming years.

|| Get Certified, Get Ahead

Three easy steps will unlock your Generative AI Certification:

  • Finish the online / offline course of Generative AI Course and the Assignment
  • Take on and successfully complete a number of industry-based Projects
  • Pass the Generative AI   certification exam

The certificate for this Generative AI course will be sent to you through our learning management system, where you can also download it. Add  a link to your certificate to your CV or LinkedIn profile.


|| Frequently asked question

BIT offers a wide range of programs catering to various interests and career paths. These may include academic courses, vocational training, professional development, and more. Please visit our website – www.bitbaroda.com or contact our admissions office at M.9328994901 for a complete list of programs.

This course is suitable for students, professionals, and enthusiasts interested in exploring the field of generative AI. It caters to individuals with varying levels of experience, from beginners with no prior knowledge to experienced practitioners looking to specialize in generative modeling techniques.

Most reputable Generative AI courses offer a certificate of completion, which can enhance your credentials and be added to your resume or LinkedIn profile. It's essential to verify the accreditation and recognition of the issuing institution or organization.

Yes, many Generative AI courses are available online, offering flexibility in terms of timing and location. Online courses often provide video lectures, interactive exercises, and discussion forums to facilitate learning.

For any questions or assistance regarding the enrolment process, admissions requirements, or program details, please don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly admissions team. Please visit our website – www.bitbaroda.com or contact our admissions office at M.9328994901 for a complete list of programs or Visit Our Centers – Sayajigunj, Waghodia Road, Manjalpur in Vadodara, Anand, Nadiad, Ahmedabad

BIT prides itself on providing high-quality education, personalized attention, and hands-on learning experiences. Our dedicated faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, industry partnerships, and commitment to student success make us a preferred choice for students seeking a rewarding educational journey.

BIT committed to supporting students throughout their academic journey. We offer a range of support services, including academic advising, tutoring, career counselling, and wellness resources. Our goal is to ensure that every student has the tools and support they need to succeed.