|| French Training Course 

"One Language sets you in a Corridor for Life, Two Languages Open Every door along the Way" - Frank Smith

For students who have little to no prior experience speaking French, the French A1 Course is tailored to provide an introductory introduction to the language. Participants become fully immersed in the fundamentals of French vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and cultural background through an extensive program. After learning the fundamentals of the French alphabet and typical greetings, participants move on to learning terminology relating to everyday situations such as time, numbers, and personal introductions. The course emphasizes interactive learning heavily, giving learners the chance to practice basic conversational and listening comprehension skills through activities and role-plays.

While pronunciation practice guarantees confident and clear communication, cultural insights enhance participants' comprehension of French customs and traditions. Upon completion of the course, participants will have acquired fundamental language skills and cultural understanding, enabling them to effectively navigate basic discussions and everyday scenarios in French-speaking settings.The French A1 course content focuses on foundational language skills, covering essential vocabulary, basic grammar, and common expressions needed for everyday communication. Students will learn to greet others, introduce themselves, count, and use polite phrases. The course emphasizes listening and speaking through interactive activities and simple conversations. Additionally, students will practice reading and writing short texts. Cultural aspects are integrated to provide context and enhance understanding of French customs and daily life. Overall, the course aims to equip students with the ability to handle basic interactions in French and foster an appreciation for Francophone culture.

Please contact the nearest BIT training institute or send an email to inquiry@bitbaroda.com with any additional questions you may have regarding our French A1 training course. We offer a free demo by calling us at +91-9328994901. We offer top-notch French A1 Training in Vadodara-Sayajigunj, Vadodara - Waghodia Road, Vadodara - Manjalpur, Ahmedabad, Anand, and Nadiad.

||  Why Learn French ?

  • French is spoken by over 300 million people worldwide across five continents, making it the 5th most spoken language globally.
  • It shares the distinction with English as the only language spoken on all five continents.
  • French ranks as the 2nd business language within the European Area and the 3rd global business language overall.
  • Additionally, it holds the 4th position in terms of usage on the web.
  • Approximately 51 million individuals are currently learning French worldwide, highlighting its enduring popularity and relevance.
  • French serves as an official language in 29 countries and is widely spoken as a second language in many others.
  • Moreover, it holds official status in international organizations like the United Nations, the European Union, NATO, the International Olympic Committee, and the International Red Cross.

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|| What will I learn?

  • Introduce participants to the fundamentals of the French language.
  • Develop basic communication skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
  • Build vocabulary and grammar knowledge to engage in simple conversations.
  • Enhance cultural understanding of French-speaking countries.
  • Prepare participants for real-life communication scenarios in French-speaking environments.

|| What will I learn?

  • Introduce participants to the fundamentals of the French language.
  • Develop basic communication skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
  • Build vocabulary and grammar knowledge to engage in simple conversations.
  • Enhance cultural understanding of French-speaking countries.
  • Prepare participants for real-life communication scenarios in French-speaking environments.

|| Requirements

  • No prior knowledge of the French language is required.
  • Openness to learning and enthusiasm for exploring a new language and culture.

|| Requirements

  • No prior knowledge of the French language is required.
  • Openness to learning and enthusiasm for exploring a new language and culture.

    The French A1 course is designed for beginners aiming to build a strong foundation in the French language. Typically, it covers fundamental aspects such as basic vocabulary, grammar rules, simple sentence structures, and essential conversational skills. Students learn to introduce themselves, ask and answer basic questions, and engage in everyday conversations related to personal information, travel, shopping, and dining out.

    Benefits of learning French at the A1 level include acquiring the ability to communicate in simple, practical situations, gaining confidence in speaking and understanding basic French, and laying the groundwork for further language proficiency. It also opens doors to understanding French culture and enhances travel experiences in French-speaking regions. Additionally, learning French can provide career advantages in industries like tourism, hospitality, international business, and diplomatic services where French proficiency is valued.

    • Review of Basic Concepts:
    • Even though it's an advanced A1 course, it would still start with a review of the fundamental concepts covered in a standard A1 course, such as greetings, basic grammar, and vocabulary.

    • Expansion of Vocabulary:
    • Building on the basic vocabulary learned in A1, an advanced A1 course would introduce more words and phrases related to common topics like daily routines, hobbies, likes and dislikes, travel, and shopping.

    • Complex Sentence Structures:
    • While still keeping the language simple, the course might introduce more complex sentence structures, such as compound sentences and more varied verb conjugations.
    • Verb Tenses: Basic introduction to additional verb tenses beyond the present tense, such as the near future (aller + infinitive) and the past tense (passé composé with être and avoir for regular verbs).

    • Reading Comprehension:
    • Reading short texts, dialogues, and simple stories to improve comprehension skills. These texts might contain more varied vocabulary and slightly more complex sentence structures than those encountered in a standard A1 course.

    • Listening Practice:
    • Engaging in listening exercises that involve more complex audio material, such as short conversations, interviews, or simple narratives.

    • Speaking Practice:
    • Engaging in more extended conversations and dialogues, practicing asking and answering questions on a wider range of topics.

    • Writing Skills:
    • More emphasis on writing tasks, including composing short paragraphs, emails, or messages, using a wider range of vocabulary and sentence structures.

    • Cultural Content:
    • Exploring more aspects of French culture, history, and society to deepen understanding and appreciation of the language and its context.

    • Interactive Activities:
    • Continuing to use interactive activities such as games, role-plays, and group discussions to make learning engaging and enjoyable

    • Short Texts with Comprehension Questions:
    • Provide short paragraphs or dialogues about everyday topics such as introducing oneself, describing family members, or talking about hobbies. Accompany each text with simple comprehension questions in French to check understanding.

    • Labeling Exercises:
    • Give learners simple illustrations or diagrams with labels in French. Ask them to match the labels with the corresponding objects or parts depicted in the image.
    • Menu Reading:
    • Present a simplified restaurant menu in French with common food items. Ask learners to read the menu and answer questions about what they would like to order or what ingredients are in specific dishes.

    • Daily Routines:
    • Offer short passages describing someone's daily routine. Include activities such as waking up, having breakfast, going to work or school, and going to bed. Have learners read the passages and answer questions about the sequence of events.

    • Fill-in-the-Blanks:
    • Provide sentences with missing words or phrases, and supply a list of options for learners to choose from to complete the sentences. The sentences should be simple and related to A1-level vocabulary and grammar.

    • Matching Exercises:
    • Present pairs of sentences or short texts with related information. Ask learners to match each sentence in one column with the corresponding sentence in another column based on the information provided.

    • True/False Statements:
    • Offer statements about a short text, and have learners determine whether each statement is true or false based on the information in the text.

    • Simple Stories:
    • Provide short narratives with basic plots and vocabulary. After reading, ask learners to summarize the story in their own words or answer questions about the main characters and events.

    • Reading Signs and Notices:
    • Display images of common signs and notices found in public places (e.g., street signs, transportation signs, safety notices). Ask learners to read the signs and understand their meaning.

    • Advertisements and Public Announcements:
    • Show examples of simple advertisements or public announcements written in French. Have learners read the messages and identify key information, such as the product being advertised or the event being announced.

    • Sentence Completion:
    • Provide incomplete sentences related to everyday situations, and ask learners to complete them using appropriate vocabulary and grammar learned at the A1 level.
    • Example:
    • Le chat est _____. (The cat is ______.) (Learner fills in the blank with an appropriate adjective, e.g., noir. Answer: Le chat est noir.)

    • Short Personal Descriptions:
    • Ask learners to write brief descriptions of themselves or others, including basic information such as name, age, nationality, and a few details about appearance, personality, and hobbies.
    • Example:
    • Je m'appelle Marie. J'ai dix ans. Je suis française. J'ai les cheveux blonds et les yeux bleus. J'aime jouer au football. (My name is Marie. I am ten years old. I am French. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I like to play soccer.)

    • Daily Routine Writing:
    • Prompt learners to write about their daily routines, detailing activities they do from morning to night using simple sentences and time expressions.
    • Example:
    • Le matin, je me réveille à sept heures. Ensuite, je prends le petit déjeuner. Après ça, je vais à l'école. (In the morning, I wake up at seven o'clock. Then, I have breakfast. After that, I go to school.)
    • Postcard or Email Writing: Ask learners to write a short postcard or email to a friend or family member, sharing simple information about their recent activities, interests, or plans.

    • Postcard or Email Writing :
    • Ask me Learners To Write A Short Postcard or email to a friend or family member , sharing simple information about their recent activities , interests or plans.
    • Example:
    • Chère Anne, J'espère que tu vas bien. Je suis en vacances en France. Aujourd'hui, je visite Paris. C'est magnifique! À bientôt. Amicalement, Paul (Dear Anne, I hope you are well. I am on vacation in France. Today, I am visiting Paris. It's beautiful! See you soon. Best regards, Paul)

    • Shopping List:
    • Have learners create a shopping list in French, including items they need to buy at the grocery store or for other purposes. Encourage them to use vocabulary related to food, quantities, and common household items.
    • Example:
    • Pain, lait, fromage, pommes, œufs, poulet (Bread, milk, cheese, apples, eggs, chicken)

    • Making Plans:
    • Prompt learners to write about their plans for an upcoming weekend or holiday, including activities they would like to do and whom they would like to do them with.
    • Example:
    • Ce week-end, je vais aller au cinéma avec mes amis. Après ça, nous allons manger au restaurant. (This weekend, I am going to the movies with my friends. After that, we are going to eat at the restaurant.)

    • Listening to Simple Instructions:
    • Provide short audio clips with instructions for basic tasks or activities, such as following a recipe, assembling a simple item, or playing a game. After listening, learners can demonstrate their understanding by completing the task or answering questions about the instructions.

    • Listening to Dialogue:
    • Present short dialogues between two or more speakers discussing everyday topics such as greetings, introductions, ordering food, or making plans. After listening, learners can answer questions about the dialogue or summarize the main points.

    • Listening to Weather Forecasts:
    • Play audio clips of weather forecasts in French, focusing on simple vocabulary related to weather conditions and temperature. After listening, learners can answer questions about the forecast or describe the weather in their own words.
    • Listening to Personal Information:
    • Share audio recordings of people introducing themselves and providing basic personal information such as name, age, nationality, and hobbies. After listening, learners can answer questions about the speakers or practice introducing themselves in a similar manner.

    • Listening to Directions:
    • Provide audio clips with directions for navigating a simple route or finding locations on a map. After listening, learners can follow the directions on a map or answer questions about the route.
    • Listening to Short Stories:
    • Play audio recordings of short stories or narratives with simple plots and vocabulary. After listening, learners can answer questions about the story or retell it in their own words.

    • Listening to Songs:
    • Choose simple French songs with clear pronunciation and repetitive lyrics. After listening, learners can sing along with the song lyrics, fill in missing words, or answer questions about the song's content.
    • Listening to Public Announcements:
    • Share audio recordings of public announcements or advertisements in French, such as announcements at train stations, airports, or public events. After listening, learners can answer questions about the announcements or identify key information.

    • Listening to Interviews:
    • Play audio clips of interviews with native French speakers discussing their interests, hobbies, or daily routines. After listening, learners can answer questions about the speakers or summarize the main points of the interview.
    • Listening to Podcasts or Radio Programs:
    • Find short segments of French podcasts or radio programs aimed at beginners. After listening, learners can answer questions about the content or discuss their thoughts and opinions on the topics covered.

    • Greetings and Introductions:
    • Practice greeting others and introducing oneself in various social situations, such as meeting new people, interacting with classmates, or speaking to colleagues.
    • Personal Information: Learn to provide basic personal information such as name, age, nationality, and occupation. Practice asking and answering questions about these topics in dialogues and role-plays.
    • Describing People and Objects:
    • Learn vocabulary for describing people's physical appearance, personality traits, and common objects. Practice using adjectives and simple sentences to describe oneself, others, and everyday items.
    • Daily Routines:
    • Discuss daily routines and activities, including waking up, getting ready for the day, going to work or school, and leisure activities. Practice talking about daily schedules and habits using time expressions and action verbs.
    • Likes and Dislikes:
    • Express preferences and interests in various topics such as food, hobbies, sports, music, and movies. Practice using expressions like "j'aime" (I like) and "je n'aime pas" (I don't like) to talk about likes and dislikes.
    • Making Plans:
    • Practice making and responding to invitations, suggesting activities, and arranging meetings with friends or classmates. Use expressions such as "On pourrait..." (We could...) and "Qu'est-ce que tu fais ce week-end?" (What are you doing this weekend?) to initiate and discuss plans.
    • Shopping and Ordering Food:
    • Learn vocabulary related to shopping, ordering food in restaurants, and making purchases. Practice role-playing scenarios such as ordering food at a café, buying groceries at a market, or asking for directions in a store.
    • Giving Directions:
    • Learn basic vocabulary and phrases for giving and following directions. Practice describing locations, giving instructions for navigating a city, and asking for clarification when needed.
    • Talking about Family and Friends:
    • Discuss family members, relationships, and friendships. Practice using possessive adjectives and talking about family members' names, ages, and occupations.
    • Travel and Places:
    • Discuss travel experiences, destinations, and preferences. Practice describing cities, countries, and tourist attractions using basic vocabulary and phrases related to travel and transportation.
    • Weather and Seasons:
    • Practice talking about the weather and seasons, including vocabulary for describing different weather conditions and activities associated with each season.
    • Cultural Topics:
    • Explore aspects of French culture, traditions, and customs through discussions and presentations. Learn about French holidays, festivals, cuisine, and cultural events.
    • Role-plays and Conversations: Engage in role-plays and conversational activities to simulate real-life interactions and practice speaking in various contexts. Focus on fluency, pronunciation, and effective communication strategies.

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|| Market Demand of French Certified Expert

Here are some potential areas where there might be demand for French certified experts:

  • Translation and Interpretation Services: French is one of the official languages of various international organizations such as the United Nations, European Union, and UNESCO. Therefore, there is a continuous demand for certified French translators and interpreters.
  • Education and Training: Many institutions offer French language courses, and having certified experts to teach French as a foreign language is valuable. This includes schools, language institutes, and online education platforms.
  • International Business and Trade: Businesses engaged in international trade and commerce often require French-speaking professionals for communication, negotiations, and market expansion into French-speaking regions.
  • Tourism and Hospitality: In regions where French tourism is significant, such as parts of Africa, the Caribbean, and Canada, there's a demand for professionals proficient in French to cater to tourists.
  • Government and Diplomacy: Governments and diplomatic missions often require certified experts for diplomatic communications, translations, and cultural exchanges with French-speaking countries.
  • Legal Services: Law firms dealing with international cases or having clients from French-speaking countries may require certified experts for legal translations and interpretations.
  • Medical and Healthcare: In regions with French-speaking populations, healthcare facilities may require French-speaking medical professionals or interpreters to cater to patients' needs.
  • Localization and Content Creation: With the expansion of digital content and software into French-speaking markets, there is a demand for certified experts in localization, ensuring that content is culturally and linguistically appropriate.
  • Academic Research: Academic institutions and research organizations may require French experts for research collaboration, literature reviews, and academic translations.
  • Non-Profit and NGO Sector: Organizations working in French-speaking regions or with French-speaking communities may need certified experts for program implementation, communication, and advocacy efforts.

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|| Job Roles of French Certified Expert

Here are some job roles where being a certified French expert can be valuable:

  • French Language Teacher/Instructor: Teaching French as a foreign language in schools, language institutes, or offering private tutoring services.
  • Translator: Translating written materials such as documents, articles, books, and websites from French to another language or vice versa.
  • Interpreter: Providing real-time interpretation services during meetings, conferences, legal proceedings, or other events where language interpretation is required.
  • Localization Specialist: Adapting digital content, software, websites, and multimedia materials to suit French-speaking markets and audiences.
  • International Business Specialist: Facilitating communication, negotiations, and business transactions between French-speaking clients or partners and stakeholders.
  • Tourism and Hospitality Professional: Working in hotels, travel agencies, tour operators, or as tourist guides to cater to French-speaking tourists.
  • Diplomat or Foreign Service Officer: Representing a country's interests in diplomatic relations with French-speaking nations, including embassy roles and consular services.
  • Legal Translator/Interpreter: Translating legal documents, contracts, court proceedings, and providing interpretation services for legal matters involving French-speaking parties.
  • Medical Interpreter: Assisting healthcare professionals in communicating with French-speaking patients, ensuring accurate understanding and delivery of medical information.
  • Content Writer/Editor: Creating written content in French for various purposes such as marketing, journalism, publishing, or academic writing.
  • Cultural Liaison/Coordinator: Facilitating cultural exchanges, organizing events, and promoting cross-cultural understanding between French-speaking communities and others.
  • International Development Specialist: Working for NGOs, international organizations, or development agencies to implement projects in French-speaking regions, requiring language skills and cultural understanding.
  • Market Research Analyst: Conducting market research and analysis in French-speaking markets to identify trends, consumer behavior, and business opportunities.
  • Customer Service Representative: Providing customer support in French for companies serving French-speaking clientele, either through phone, email, or chat support.
  • Academic Researcher: Engaging in research projects that involve French language materials, collaborations with French-speaking scholars, or studies on French-speaking regions.

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|| Get French Certification 

Three easy steps will unlock your French Certification:


  • Finish the online / offline course of French Course and the Assignment
  • Take on and successfully complete a number of industry-based Projects
  • Pass the French Certification exam


The certificate for this French Certification will be sent to you through our learning management system, where you can also download it. Add  a link to your certificate to your CV or LinkedIn profile.


|| Frequently asked question

According to the CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), an A1 French learner should be able to recognize and use familiar words and simple phrases for concrete purposes. They can introduce themselves or someone else. They can ask and answer basic questions about home, family, surroundings, etc.

This course is ideal for beginners with little to no prior knowledge of French who wish to start learning the language for personal, academic, or professional reasons.

Yes, many institutions offer the A1 course online. Online courses often include video tutorials, interactive exercises, and downloadable resources, allowing learners to study at their own pace.

Yes, upon successful completion of the A1 course and any required assessments, participants usually receive a certificate of completion. This certificate can be useful for demonstrating basic proficiency in French.

Most courses offer support through various channels, such as email, discussion forums, live Q&A sessions with instructors, and dedicated student support services. Check with your course provider to understand the type and extent of support available.

Candidates the for the French A1 typically struggle with pronunciation, a limited vocabulary, and basic grammar. At this level, thinking in French can be challenging, particularly when writing and speaking. Accents and speed make it difficult to understand spoken French.